Friday, April 3, 2015

Final Project

For our final project, we need to make something for children. Some of the things typically have problems with is that they want to wiggle and move instead of staying on their carpet square and it is hard for children to lock and unlock the bathroom doors. Some children also have a hard time remembering to take only one paper towel, flush the toilet, or wash their hands.

Possible Project Ideas:
1) Create a new carpet square so the children know when they are on the mat or not. This could be implemented by emitting a sound when children get off the square.
2)Create a mechanism that would make the bathroom toilets quieter or less scary when flushed. This could be implemented by having another song play over the sound of the toilet.
3)Create a system so children know how loud they are being in the room. This could be implemented by having a sound sensor hooked up with the lights. When the sound is too loud, the lights would turn off to create a more soothing environment for the children and to let them know they were too loud.
4)Create a mat to put under the water table or sand table so children know when water or sand is             hitting the floor.

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