Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Final Project Part 2

Classroom Visit
Izzy visited the classroom to make sure the idea would be useful in the classroom and to get tips on how to improve the idea.

She went with a storyboard on the mat.

  1. The main goal of the mat should be to get the children to sit on the mat at the start of group time, and not to remind them to stay on the mat. It would be too distracting for the children to have lights going off in the middle of group time.
  2. The mats should be no wider than 16.5 inches to make sure the mats will fit in the group time circle. 
  3. Red and Blue or Black and White are the best colors to use for the mats. They are some of the first colors that the children recognize
  4. The mats should be easily able to stack and distribute.
  5. The color wheel should not be distracting to the children. The teacher should be able to turn the wheel calmly if needed.
Next Steps
We need to integrate the suggestions into our idea and create a mockup of it to show the class.

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