Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Final Project Part 3

Foam Core Mock-Up
We needed to create a mock-up of our idea to show the class and Professor Banzaert.

Fig 1 Spinner and Mat Outside
Fig 2 Underside of Top Mat

Fig 3 Side View of Spinner
Fig 4 Between the Bottom and Top Mat

Layers of Mat
  1. The bottom layer of the mat and what the arduino would sit on (Fig 4) would be a stiff material, either wood or delrin.
  2. Next (Fig 4) would be the wires, the push button sensors, the arduino, and the battery pack.
  3. A stiffer material (Fig 2), or either wood or delrin, would go on top so that the sensors  would have something stiff to respond to. This layer would have two sections, a red side and a blue side, so that only the buttons to one side would be pressed.
  4. A yoga mat (Fig 1) would be the top layer of the mat with the LEDs connected to the mat so the children could see them.
The Spinner (Fig 1 and Fig 3)
  1. The spinner would be made of either delrin or wood.
  2. It would have a sensor to tell what color it landed on.
  3. There would be pegs in the round part of the spinner (tacks in mockup) that would hit a rubber flap to slow down the spinner and make sure it doesn't turn forever.
  4. The piece to communicate with the mats would be connected to the back of the spinner (not shown).
Due to time constraints, we needed to simplify our idea. Since we have not worked with wireless communicators before, we needed to cut that part our of our plan. Instead the mat and the spinner will work separately. The teacher will tell the children what side of the mat to sit on, and when the children sit on the mat, the section they sit on will light up. If the child moves to the other section of the mat, that will light up. The code will only allow one side to light up during a session.

Major Decision
We talked about what we should make the actual mat out of. We tried looking up trays on the internet, but they were too expensive. We contemplated using a 5 gallon bucket, but it wasn't big enough for what we need. We even considered using a trash can but that would be too difficult to cut. We decided to use a plastic box and lid that we have in the lab as our mat. We will cut the box at the bottom to make it the proper size of the mat. The lid will be cut and used as the stiff material connected to the yoga mats.

List of Materials
  • yoga mats (1 red, 1 blue)
  • plastic bin and plastic lid 
  • arduino board
  • 2 LED light tags
  • small button sensors
LED Light

Push Buttons

Yoga Mats

Next Steps
Create the code, spinner and mat for real.

1 comment:

  1. Your concept is very creative! I know you work with the children so do you believe that your design would provide the children with enough incentive to want to sit on the mats?
